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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Womens Wellness Workshop Guidelines #5 - Mask as Storyteller

Mask as Storyteller...

The blank mask is intended to become the embodiment and personification of the teller of the maker’s story or chapter in that story. For example, it could be human, an animal, an emotion, an inanimate object like a rock, or an observer. The story need not be literal. The classic face shape or any of the shapes inscribed in the Mulitmask can be used.

Practical Tips

Traditionally a full face mask does not speak. Half masks, or masks where the maker’s mouth and lips are seen, can speak.
A full or half mask hand held with a rod can be particularly helpful for some, particularly older participants, as they can easily control whether the mask is near their face or not (for some a mask over the face can be too ‘close’ both physically and emotionally).
A simple “moppet” (puppet-mask) can be constructed using the mask as the face with a hand-held stick.
The mask can be simple and uncluttered in design and decoration. It is to convey the essence of the teller of the story, not the story itself.
Check for comfort on the face. Small foam pieces placed inside the mask on the forehead and cheeks can make a better fit.
Make allowances for eye glasses or add a piece of dowelling as a hand-hold.

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